Described as the "Guardian of Ghostland" this little guy is a "super deformed" mini version of the full size Dokuwashi vinyl figure designed by Brian Flynn. While the full size Doku is a more traditional vinyl toy, the SD version is a limited, hand painted resin piece.
I'm a total sucker for anything that Brian Flynn designs, especially when it's Ghostland related. I have a humble collection of his toys, and lately I've been doing my best to pick up some of the recent releases from
Super7, as well as quite a few of their earlier releases. Unfortunately, when this was originally released I just didn't have the funds and had to pass on it, like I do with so many amazing figures that just don't fit into my toy budget.
To my great surprise and delight, my wonderful fiancee Alicia surprised me on Christmas by letting me know she had ordered one for me! (Just one of many reasons I'm marrying her.)